April 2020 President’s Message from Toni Chilton

MembershipPresident's Message



April Edition


Hey Everybody! How are we all doing?


Well, I guess it’s easy to say that we have all been living one crazy adventure these last few weeks. Our lives are not the same right now. Some may be doing Ok and some (and I won’t lie this includes me) may have had a few low moments trying to navigate this situation.


While keeping within the social distancing guidelines I have tried to keep some sanity by working on my personal adventures. One thing I have done is register for an at-home Crossfit competition. I have never done ANY Crossfit competition in my life. I never intended to either. But in order to keep a sense of community, my gym is offering it and I thought JUST DO IT TONI! It will require me to complete a workout posted online and record myself doing it and send it to the judges. I will be part of a team so I hope I don’t hold em back…..wish me luck.


I thought the logo above hit quite a few key things we should be focusing on right now too, So I am working on keeping them in the back of my mind, I hope you can too.


We will be picking up the pace again for our October Convention…… Throwing out the positive vibe to the universe “THIS WILL GO ON” (insert crossed fingers here LOL) So to the best of your ability follow our emails, register once we have the link open (take advantage of early bird pricing) and put something on your calendar to look forward to. I have a TON of exciting ideas to have at this year’s convention and as you already know, bringing our keynote in all the way from the UK, who has a wealth of knowledge in adventures. Our scholar lecture who is a leading advocate for Comprehensive school physical activity programs. And finally, our workshop presenter who has been teaching adventure education for the last 15 yrs at his school and was set to present at Nationals in Salt lake. 


Stay strong, healthy and active, let’s ride this adventure together!