10 Tips for Improving Your Posture

Spencer Aiken,CSCSBest Practices, Fitness, Future Professionals, Health

Author: Dana Brown

Good posture is important for so many reasons. Not only does it make you look more put-together, but it also helps to alleviate pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. Poor posture can lead to a number of health problems, including headaches, tension, and even depression. That’s why it’s so important to make an effort to improve your posture. Here are 10 tips to help you get started.

1. Beat Tech Neck

One of the biggest culprits of poor posture is “tech neck.” This is the result of looking down at your laptop, phone, or tablet for extended periods of time. To avoid tech neck, Goodpath suggests making a conscious effort to hold your device up at eye level instead of looking down at it. Converting files to PDFs and reading them on your smartphone or tablet can make this process easier. And fortunately, changing file types is easy with a free PDF file conversion tool. You can also try to take breaks every 20 minutes or so to give your neck and shoulders a rest.

2. Overcome the Obstacle of Being Tall

If you’re tall, you may have noticed that it’s harder to find clothes that fit well and don’t require alterations. But did you know that being tall can also affect your posture? When clothes don’t fit properly, it can cause you to slouch in order to compensate. If you’re tall, be sure to find clothes that fit your frame well so that you can avoid slouching.


If you’re looking for inspiration on how to carry your body and dress well while being tall, visit How Tall Height and look toward some of your favorite tall celebrities. They are constantly in the spotlight, which makes it easy to see what is working well and what doesn’t look so great.

3. Organizing Posture-Related Medical Records

If you suffer from back pain or other issues, it’s important to keep your medical records organized. This way, if you ever need to see a specialist or go to the hospital, all of your information will be in one place. Having organized medical records will also help your doctor devise the best treatment plan for you.

4. Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing helps to improve posture by lengthening the spine and opening up the chest. The Breath Effect also explains that it’s a great way to reduce stress and relax the body. To do a deep breathing exercise, sit up straight with your feet flat on the ground. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Breathe in through your nose for a count of four, filling up your stomach first and then your chest. Then exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of four. Repeat this process several times until you feel more relaxed.

5. Try Yoga

Yoga is not only good for flexibility and relaxation — it can also help improve your posture! There are many different yoga poses that target the muscles in the back, shoulders, and neck. By strengthening these muscles, you’ll be able to sit and stand taller with ease.

6. Improve Your Posture, Improve Your Circulation

Poor circulation can lead to a number of problems, including fatigue, cramps, and even varicose veins. One way to improve circulation is by practicing good posture. When you sit or stand up straight, you allow blood to flow more easily through your body which results in improved circulation overall. Whether you work from home or in an office, investing in some ergonomic furniture can improve your posture and your back and neck health. Look for furniture with adequate support.

7. Better Gut Health and Digestion

Did you know that bad posture can actually impede digestion? When you slouch, it puts pressure on your stomach which can make it harder for food to pass through properly. On the other hand, good posture helps food travel through the digestive tract more easily which leads to better digestion overall.

8. Avoid High Heels

While they may look stylish, wearing high heels can actually contribute to poor posture over time. This is because they force you to stand unnaturally upright which can lead to muscle imbalances and pain in the lower back and legs. If you must wear heels, try not to wear them for extended periods of time, and be sure to stretch afterward.

9. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep plays an important role in overall health and well-being — and that includes posture! When you don’t get enough sleep, your muscles become tired which makes it harder for them to support your spine properly throughout the day leading to poor posture overall. Be sure to aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night in order to wake up feeling rested and refreshed.

10. Stretch Every Day

Stretching is one of the best things you can do for improving posture as well as preventing pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. Stretching helps lengthen muscles and increase flexibility which allows you to move more freely without pain. Be sure to stretch every day for the best results.

Increase Your Bodily Awareness

We are often unaware of the way we hold our bodies throughout the day. But, in reality, our stresses, exhaustion, work responsibilities, and many other aspects of our lives affect the way we move our bodies. Fortunately, becoming aware allows us to make changes, and there are many different things that you can do to improve your posture. By making small changes such as holding your device up at eye level, wearing properly fitting clothing, and stretching every day, you’ll be well on your way to better posture in no time.


Dana Brown


Photo Credit: Bruce Mars via Unsplash