And the 2018 Keynote is…Dean Kriellaars!

Board of DirectorsNews & Events, President's Message, State Convention

I would like to formally announce the Keynote Speaker for the Arizona Health and Physical Education State Convention on October 24, 2018.  Dean Kriellaars is one of the foremost experts on Physical Literacy. This journey to secure Dr. Kriellaars as my keynote began over a year ago when I had the privilege to attend the International Physical Literacy Conference in Toronto in April.  I had a short list of speakers I was thinking of for my keynote.  I did research on all of them and knew if I was to get any of them it would be awesome.  But, deep in my heart I knew it had to be Dr. Kriellaars. When I heard him speak in Toronto I knew I was right. Several conversations later and here is my official announcement. Dean Kriellaars will keynote the 2018 Arizona Health and Physical Education State Convention! I will be sharing more information on Dr. Kriellaars throughout the months leading up to convention. There is so much to share, it will take more than one post.  I hope you can join us this October, this promises to be one of our best conventions yet.